
Utility Scale Solar & Battery Energy Storage Systems

The Power Networks team has the combined experience of over 2.5 GW of boots on the ground, real world utility scale solar and battery construction experience. We understand the geology, we overcome climate challenges, we own and operate all of the heavy equipment required to build large renewables projects, we have the experience to build sites with safety, quality, production, and determination at the forefront of our operations.  Offering turnkey engineering, procurement, installation, and commissioning services (EPIC), Power Networks is a reliable partner that can build your project to overcome the test of time.

Featured Projects

Michichi and Kneehill Solar Projects

The Michichi and Kneehill Solar Projects in Alberta provide 50 MWac of emissions-free electricity to the Alberta grid and are generating revenue for local communities.

Joffre Solar Project

The Joffre Solar Project is a 47-megawatt solar power facility near Joffre, Alberta. The power generated will go into the provincial electrical grid and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 47,000 tonnes per year.

Sunbank Solar Project

The Sunbank Solar Project covers 30 hectares in Summerside, Prince Edward Island and features more than 65,000 solar panels providing around 21 megawatts of energy.

North Klondike Solar Power Plant

The North Klondike solar power plant is the first megawatt scale Independent Power Production (IPP) project in northern Canada to be tied in to the power grid.

Yellow Lake & Burdett Solar Facility

The Yellow Lake & Burdett Solar Facility is a 39-megawatt, $70-million solar facility in southern Alberta. The project is to provide enough power for over 6,400 homes and the panel installations will cover 120 hectares, the size of 170 soccer fields.